The Leeds Rental Standard is a badge developed by Leeds City Council that establishes an overarching minimum standard for privately rented accommodation across the city.

The Leeds Rental Standard operates under the following existing schemes:

The Leeds Rental Standard brings unison to accreditation in the city by incorporating all the recognised accreditation schemes in Leeds under one umbrella.

The Leeds Rental Standard results in lighter touch regulation allowing the Local Authority to concentrate their regulatory resources on those that showed no sign of meeting standards voluntarily and on rogue landlords through their Rogue Landlord Unit.

Benefits for Landlords

By joining a recognised accreditation scheme and becoming a member of The Leeds Rental Standard the landlord can benefit from the following incentives:
  • Lower regulatory fees - paying lower licensing fees
  • Members of the Leeds Rental Standard are self-regulating and have the opportunity to resolve any tenant complaints through the scheme without Council involvement
  • Priority access to Council Housing Officers (EHO's) for advice and guidance
  • Access to the Private Sector Letting Scheme (PSLS)
  • Exclusive access to advertise on the Leeds Homes website and magazine
  • Waste Disposal Concession for certain tenant generated household waste at Kirkstall and Seacroft Recycling sites
  • Business Permit for Parking which allows parking in resident parking zones only without risking a parking ticket